As summer turns to autumn, I enjoy spending time at a variety of shows in Northumberland. I often have a stand in one of the craft tents, but when I can, I like to get out with my camera. Each show has its own unique character that becomes familiar with time. There’s always something new, so once I’m set up and happy with my stand, I like to explore the showground. It’s always busy as everyone prepares for showtime.

As the gates open and visitors stream in, I’ll take photos during the ebb and flow of the day. I may spend some time at the dog show or the Cumberland wrestling, head out for the fell race or wander over to the sheep judging. There’s always something happening, moments to capture that document the show. If I can’t get the photo I want, there’ll always be next year.

Except, as shows were cancelled during lockdown, there wouldn’t be a next year and quite understandably, the following year too. Unable to get out with my camera, I spent time looking through all the photographs I had taken. Here are just a few of my favourites, collected and published in a booklet and launched at Powburn Show in 2022.

early morning image from Glendale Show as traders set up, which became the Showtime booklet cover photo, a collection of Northumberland show photography by Martin Ellis
